The Future of the Conservative Party

With Sajid Jarvid replacing  Amber Rudd as Home Secretary it means that one remainer has been replaced by another.
This also means that Amber Rudd will be on the back benches where she will be free to speak on her beliefs. Whether she speaks out as an opponent of Brexit remains to be seen. If she campaigns to ignore the referendum how many other Conservatives will support her?

If this does happen it will be against the electorate’s wishes, this will also show that the remainers think that the people who voted to leave are ignorant people who did not understand what they were voting for.
In reality, this will mean that the future of the Conservative will be in the hands of the European Research Group led by Jacob Rees-Mogg.

My hope is that the Conservatives come to their senses and accept the peoples’ decision.

Continuing on the subject of the Home Office it appears that the Civil Servants are out of control, they are acting on matters such as deporting people using rules well outside of their original intentions to deport people who are needed here.
Let us hope that Sajid will be able to control them.
Maybe he will have to remove some of them who have ideas above their station.

About gordonshome

I am a retired Gentleman, (or is that sexist?) recently widowed and still feeling slightly lost. I am from the 1930 era.
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